Tuesday, March 31, 2015

مايا دياب تتألق بفستان نارى فى حفل رأس السنة

 الفنانة مايا دياب

أحيت النجمة اللبنانية مايا دياب حفل رأس السنة الذى أقامته إدارة فندق إنتركونتننتال سيتى ستارز داخل قاعة السرايا بحضور عدد من الأمراء والشيوخ والسياح العرب، مرتدية فستان "نارى" أحمر اللون. وحضرت مايا دياب بصحبة مدير أعمالها بالقاهرة حمدى بدر وحارسها الخاص وعقب انتهاء فقرتها التقطت صورة تذكارية ضمت بدر والفنانة التونسية فريال يوسف. كما أحيا الحفل الفنان راغب علامة وعقب الانتهاء توجه إلى غرفته لأخذ قسط من الراحة، نظرا لما بذله من مجهود طربى أشعل وصلات الرقص طوال فقرته.. وحرصت بعض المعجبات على ملاحقته لالتقاط صور تذكارية معه بغرفته داخل الفندق.
  رقصات.. مايا مع جمهور الحفل

  مايا وجمهور الحفل

  إثارة.. مايا دياب فى رأس السنة

 مايا بصحبة الحارس الخاص بها

في حال أعجبك الموضوع كل ما اوده منك هو نشر هذا الموضوع عبر أدوات المواقع الاجتماعية التالية: ايقونة فيس بوك وتويتر و +1 فى الشريط التالى

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تحميل برنامج كيوكيو بلاير 2014 مجانا Download QQ Player

تحميل برنامج كيو كيو بلاير 2014 مجانا Download QQ Player
معلومات هامه عن برنامج كيوكيو بلاير QQ Player
لكل شخص يريد تشغيل جميع صيغ الفيديوهات المتخلفة والصوتيات بدون اي قيود الان ننصحك بتحميل برنامج كيوكيو بلاير الذي يعتبر اقوي برامج تشغيل الملتيمديا لانه يحتوي علي الكثير من المميزات الجميله جدا الغير موجوده في جميع برامج تشغيل الفديوهات الاخري من خلال برنامج كيوكيو بلاير تستطيع مشاهدة امتع الفيديوهات المفضله لديك وايضا يمكنك سماع مقاطع الصوتيات بجميع الصيغ كيوكيو بلاير هو برنامج هو من انتاج شركة صينية متوفر برنامج كيوكيو بلاير بالغة العربية واللغة الانجليزية واللغة الفرنساوية ومتوفر اصدار من برنامج كيوكيو بلاير يعمل علي اجهزة الاندرويد برنامج فلاش بلاير يضمن لك مشاهدة جميع مقاطع الفيديو بوضوح صوت وصورة عالى جدا وبدون مشاكل كما يمكنك ايضا من خلال برنامج كيوكيو بلاير سماع ملفات الموسيقي بجميع صيغها  من اهم مميزات برنامج كيوكيو بلاير يوفر لك خدمة قص وتقطيع مقاطع الفيديو والصوت عن طريق توفير اداة متقدمة لتقطيع الفيديو وهو يتيح لك استخراج الصوت وفصله من الفيديو وحفظه بصيغة mp3  يمكنك اثناء مشاهدة الفيديوهات من داخل برنامج كيوكيو بلاير تصوير لقطات من مقاطع الفيديو  على شكل صور رقمية يمكنك الاحتفاظ بها على جهاز الكمبيوتر يحتوي برنامج كيوكيو بلاير علي واجهة رئيسية تتميز بثلاث ثيمات كلهما اجمل من بعض يمكنك تغيير الوانها حسب رغبتك لقد اخذ الموقع الرسمي لبرنامج كيوكيو بلاير ترتيب عالي جدا في موقع اليكسا وهذا يدل علي اقبال الزوار علي البرنامج  برنامج كيوكيو بلاير يتيح يوفر لك خدمة ضغط  ملفات الفيديوكبيرة الحجم لتصبح اصغر حجما يمكنك داخل برنامج كيوكيو بلاير التحكم الكامل في دقة الشاشة والاضاءة ويمكنك ايضا تكبير وتصغير حجم الشاشة اثناء مشاهدة مقاطع الفيديوهات بكل سهولة والان كل ماهو عليك تحميل برنامج كيوكيو بلاير من احد الروابط الموجوده بالاسفل وقم بتثبيت البرنامج علي الجهاز الخاص بك بعد ذلك تستطيع مشاهدة الفيديوهات وسماع مقاطع الصوت بكل سهولة والان ناتي الي شرح تثبيت برنامج
كيوكيو بلاير علي اجهزة الكمبيوتر

اولا بعد تحميل برنامج كيوكيو بلاير قم بفتح البرنامج سوف تظهر لك هذه الايقونة 
يجب عليك الضغط علي كلمة التالي لكي تتمكن من تثبيت برنامج كيوكيو بلاير

بعد الضغط علي كلمة التالي سوف تاتي اليك هذه الايقونة
 قم بالضغط علي كلمة التالي

ثم اضغط مره اخري علي كلمة التالي حتي يتم تثبيت البرنامج

الان لقد اصبح برنامج كيوكيو بلاير جاهز للتثبيت اضغط كلمة تثبيت

بعد الضغط علي كلمة تثبيت سوف تظهر هذه الايقونة انتظر حتي يتم
تحميل البيانات ثم اضغط علي كلمة التالي
وبكده لقد تم تثبيت برنامج كيوكيو بلاير بنجاح اتمنا لكم مشاهدة ممتعه والي اللقاء

تحميل برنامج كيو كيو بلاير 2014 مجانا Download QQ Player
الموقع الرسمي للبرنامج
كيوكيو بلاير متوافق مع ويندوز : اكس بي XP - سفن 7 - فيستا Vista - ويندوز 8 
حجم البرنامج لاجهزة الاندرويد :  6 ميجا بايت
حجم البرنامج لاجهزة الكمبيوتر : 12. 29 ميجا بايت
ترخيص البرنامج : مجاني FREE
رقم الاصدار 3.7.892
تحميل برنامج كيو كيو بلاير عربي للكمبيوتر برابط مباشر - اضغط هــنــا
تحميل برنامج كيوكيو بلاير لاجهزة الاندرويد برابط مباشر اضغط هــنــا

تحميل برنامج كيوكيو بلاير - تحميل برنامج كيوكيو بلاير 2014 - برنامج كيوكيو بلاير - download qq player - كيوكيو بلاير

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توقعات الابراج مع ماغى فرح اليوم الجمعة 21 11 2014 حظك في الابراج 21 نوفمبر 2014

توقعات الابراج الفلكية والشمسية مع Maggie Farah برج الحمل الجوزاء الثور الجدي الميزان الاسد العقرب السرطان الحوت العذراء الدلو القوس abraj شاهد مدى التوافق العاطفي بينك وبين حبيبك واحتمالية استمرار العلاقة بينكم من خلال توقعات برجك العاطفية واعرف ماذا تواجه في عملك وحياتك اليومية وذلك من خلال توقعات الابراج مع ماغى فرح اليوم الجمعة 21-11-2014 , حظك في الابراج 21 نوفمبر 2014

تعرف على اهم اسرار الابراج الفلكية ومدى التوافق بينهم وذلك من خلال دراسة حركة الكواكب و التنبؤ بماذا يحدث من خلال تاريخ الميلاد لكي تعرف شخصية الانسان الذي امامك من خلال معرفتك لبرجه الشخصي و تستطيع التعامل معه بسهوله
صورة الابراج
توقعات الابراج مع ماغى فرح اليوم الجمعة 21-11-2014
مشاهدة الابراج والله اعلم

برج الحمل
مهنياً:لا تقحم نفسك بأمور لا تستطيع التعامل معها عاطفياً:حاول ان تضع حدود لتصرفات الحبيب التى تزعجك.

برج الثور
مهنياً:اذا كنت تشعر ان اسلوب العمل الذى تقوم به غير ناجح حاول ان تجد خطط بديله عاطفياً:لا تستطيع نسيان الحب القديم مهما طال الزمان.

برج الجوزاء
مهنياً:حاول ان تختار التوقيت المناسب لتطرح افكارك على رؤسائك عاطفياً:لا تنسى الحبيب و مشاعره بانشغالاتك بمشاكل العمل.

برج السرطان
مهنياً:فرصة عمل ذهبية تلوح لك و لكنك تشعر بالتردد تجاهها عاطفياً:لا تدع مشاكلك مع الحبيب تكبر و حل الخلاف بوقته.

برج الأسد
مهنياً:مكافأة ماليه تحصل عليها اليوم نتيجة عمل رائع قمت به اليوم عاطفياً:عليك ان تتخلى عن عنادك و تعتذر للحبيب عن اخطائك.

برج العذراء
مهنياً:لا تهتم بالخسارة و حاول ان تبذل المزيد من الجهد لتعوضها عاطفياً:التزم بعلاقة عاطفية واحده.

برج الميزان
مهنياً:تسير الامور اليوم بعكس ما تتمنا لا تحزن فالفرج قريب عاطفياً:الكثير من المعجبين ينتظرون اشارة منك.

برج العقرب
مهنياً:العديد من الامور تجرى لصالحك اليوم حاول ان تستغل الموقف لنفسك عاطفياً:لا تعجبك التغيرات الجديده في علاقتك العاطفية.

برج القوس
مهنياً:تشعر ان عملك الحالي لا يلبي طموحاتك و متطلباتك عاطفياً:تدخلاتك في حياة الحبيب لا تعجبه و قد تبعده عنك.

برج الجدي
مهنياً:عليك ان تبذل المزيد من الجهد لتنال رضى رؤسائك في العمل عاطفياً:الحبيب لا يشعر بالاستقرار معك بسبب وعودك التى لا تنتهي.

برج الدلو
مهنياً:تحصل على دورة تدريبية قد تضيف اليك المزيد في مستقبلك المهني عاطفياً:حاول ان تنسى قصة الحب التى عشتها و ان تبدأ من جديد.

برج الحوت
مهنياً:كن حذرا من غيرة زملاء العمل و حاول ان تكون اكثر تحفظا عاطفياً:تمر بفترة عاطفية مميزة برفقة من تحب.
شاهد ايضا
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غادة عبد الرازق تنشر صورة ابنتها بالفستان الأحمر بعد أن � سرت وزنها

 نشرت الفنانة غادة عبد الرازق صورة لابنتها الوحيدة «روتانا» على صفحتها الشخصية بموقع التواصل «فيس بوك».

وظهرت «روتانا» متألقة بفستان أحمر في قمة أناقتها، بعد أن خسرت وزنها نتيجة حملها الثاني لابنتها «جويرية».
غادة عبد الرازق تنشر صورة ابنتها «روتانا» بالفستان الأحمر

في حال أعجبك الموضوع كل ما اوده منك هو نشر هذا الموضوع عبر أدوات المواقع الاجتماعية التالية: ايقونة فيس بوك وتويتر و +1 فى الشريط التالى

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Hidden Secrets of Ferns

Fern spores are produced in vast numbers on the understide of fern fronds during the summer months. For details of how they are catapaulted into the airstream, take a look at http://beyondthehumaneye.blogspot.com/2009/07/natures-siege-catapults.html

Each spore is less than a hundredth of a millimetre in diameter and can be carried vast distances on air currents. Ferns are often the first plants to colonise bare volcanic lava flows, carried there as spores on the wind.

All they need for germination is water and mineral salts. They swell, the brown spore case splits open and a hair-like rhizoid emerges, that anchors the spore to its substrate. Then a green photosynthetic cell emerges from the spore.

The photosynthetic cell divides longitudinally, forming the beginnings of a short chain of cells. The green blobs in the cells are chloroplasts.

The chain of cells continues to elongate until it reaches 6-7 cells long, dividing longitudinally and producing more rhizoids to anchor itself more firmly. At this stage the remains of the brown spore coat is still visible. During this stage of development the plant must be constantly wet - even a short period of drought will be fatal. I sowed these spores in September, so theyve taken about four months to reach this stage, where they appear to the naked eye as a green film covering wet soil.

This is the next crucial stage in development and is about a millimetre long. The tip cell of the thread now begins to divide laterally and longitudinally, forming a flat plate of cells ....

... here you can see this two-dimensional tip division at higher magnification. The flat plate of cells that develops from this is known as the prothallus, and this is where fern sexual reproduction takes place..

These are two fully developed prothalli, each about 5mm. in diameter and only one cell thick. They are incredibly delicate and must remain permanently wet to survive. At this stage they are about six months old and male and female reproductive cells form on their surface.

These are the male antherozoids, enclosed in a structure called the antheridium. When this bursts the antherozoids are released in swarms and swim, propelled by lashing flagellae, like tiny spinning tops in the surface film of water, in search of a female egg cell inside a long-necked structure called an archegonium, which you can see here. After a successful fertilisation an embryo deveops which ultimately grows into a .......

.......new miniature fern plant. In the early stages, as seen here, its still attached to the prothallus formed by the germinated spore but that soon withers away and the new fern grows by producing a series of ever-larger fronds. It usually takes about a year after sowing to reach this stage.

Provided you have the required patience, ferns are not difficult to grow from spores. For detailed instructions, visit http://website.lineone.net/~margaret_cole/SFG7/growing%20ferns.htm
For more on the fascinating world of ferns, visit http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/bps/

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Vinainis Dance Performance 1 year Old

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This post is all about Lyrics from NOBODY HOME, a song from THE WALL (DISC 2) by Pink Floyd.
The lyrics and tune combined have a chilling,cold,lonely,wintery effect which I LOVE,again. Its a very soft,sad,depressing tune and there can be no question about LYRICS from PINK FLOYD. I am providing the LYRICS AND VIDEO. I personally love the lines -AND IVE GOT A STRONG URGE TO FLY,BUT IVE GOT NOWHERE TO FLY TO and IVE GOT A GRAND PIANO TO PROP UP MY MORTAL REMAINS. Hope you like the video.


"Alright, Ill take care of them part of the time, but theres somebody else that needs taking care of in Washington"
"Whos that?"
"Rose Pilchitt!"
"Rose Pilchitt? Whos that?"
[Kid screams in background. foreground: "Shut Up!"]
"36-24-36 [laughter] does that answer your question?"
[foreground: "Oi! Ive got a little black book with me poems in!"]
"Whos she?"
"She was Miss Armoured Division in 1961 ... "                            

Ive got a little black book with my poems in.
Got a bag with a toothbrush and a comb in.
When Im a good dog, they sometimes throw me a bone in.

I got elastic bands keepin my shoes on.
Got those swollen hand blues.
Got thirteen channels of shit on the T.V. to choose from.
Ive got electric light.
And Ive got second sight.
And amazing powers of observation.
And that is how I know
When I try to get through
On the telephone to you
Therell be nobody home.

Ive got the obligatory Hendrix perm.
And the inevitable pinhole burns
All down the front of my favorite satin shirt.
Ive got nicotine stains on my fingers.
Ive got a silver spoon on a chain.
Ive got a grand piano to prop up my mortal remains.

Ive got wild staring eyes.
And Ive got a strong urge to fly.
But I got nowhere to fly to.
Ooooh, Babe when I pick up the phone

"Surprise, surprise, surprise..." (from Gomer Pyle show)

Theres still nobody home.

Ive got a pair of Gohills boots
and I got fading roots.

"Where the hell are you?"
"Over 47 German planes were destroyed with the loss of only 15 of our own aircraft"
"Where the hell are you Simon?"

[Machine gun sound, followed by plane crashing]


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Four years ago, I was flying from JFK NY Airport to SFO to attend a meeting at Monterey , CA An American girl was sitting on the right side, near window seat. It indeed was a long journey - it would take nearly seven hours.

I was surprised to see the young girl reading a Bible unusual of young Americans. After some time she smiled and we had few acquaintances talk.I told her that I am from India

Then suddenly the girl asked: Whats your faith? What? I didnt understand the question.

I mean, whats your religion? Are you a Christian? Or a Muslim?

No! I replied, I am neither Christian nor Muslim.
Apparently she appeared shocked to listen to that. Then who are you? I am a Hindu, I said.

She looked at me as if she was seeing a caged animal. She could not understand what I was talking about.

A common man in Europe or US knows about Christianity and Islam, as they are the leading religions of the world today. But a Hindu, what?

I explained to her - I am born to a Hindu father and Hindu mother. Therefore, I am a Hindu by birth.

Who is your prophet? she asked.

We dont have a prophet, I replied.

Whats your Holy Book?

We dont have a single Holy Book, but we have hundreds and thousands of philosophical and sacred scriptures, I replied.

Oh, come on at least tell me who is your God?

What do you mean by that?

Like we have Jesus and Muslims have Allah - dont you have a God?

I thought for a moment. Muslims and Christians believe one God (Male God) who created the world and takes an interest in the humans who inhabit it. Her mind is conditioned with that kind of belief.

According to her (or anybody who doesnt know about Hinduism), a religion needs to have one Prophet, one Holy book and one God. The mind is so conditioned and rigidly narrowed down to such a notion that anything else is not acceptable. I understood her perception and concept about faith. You cant compare Hinduism with any of the present leading religions where you have to believe in one concept of god.

I tried to explain to her: You can believe in one god and he can be a Hindu. You may believe in multiple deities and still you can be a Hindu. Whats more - you may not believe in god at all, still you can be a Hindu. An atheist can also be a Hindu.

This sounded very crazy to her. She couldnt imagine a religion so unorganized, still surviving for thousands of years, even after onslaught from foreign forces.

I dont understand but it seems very interesting. Are you religious?
What can I tell to this American girl?

I said: I do not go to temple regularly. I do not make any regular rituals. I have learned some of the rituals in my younger days. I still enjoy doing it sometimes..

Enjoy? Are you not afraid of God?

God is a friend. No- I am not afraid of God. Nobody has made any compulsions on me to perform these rituals regularly.

She thought for a while and then asked: Have you ever thought of converting to any other religion?

Why should I? Even if I challenge some of the rituals and faith in Hinduism, nobody can convert me from Hinduism. Because, being a Hindu allows me to think independently and objectively, without conditioning. I remain as a Hindu never by force, but choice. I told her that Hinduism is not a religion, but a set of beliefs and practices. It is not a religion like Christianity or Islam because it is not founded by any one person or does not have an organized controlling body like the Church or the Order, I added. There is no institution or authority..

So, you dont believe in God? she wanted everything in black and white.

I didnt say that. I do not discard the divine reality. Our scripture, or Sruthis or Smrithis - Vedas and Upanishads or the Gita - say God might be there or he might not be there. But we pray to that supreme abstract authority (Para Brahma) that is the creator of this universe.

Why cant you believe in one personal God?

We have a concept - abstract - not a personal god. The concept or notion of a personal God, hiding behind the clouds of secrecy, telling us irrational stories through few men whom he sends as messengers, demanding us to worship him or punish us, does not make sense. I dont think that God is as silly as an autocratic emperor who wants others to respect him or fear him. I told her that such notions are just fancies of less educated human imagination and fallacies, adding that generally ethnic religious practitioners in Hinduism believe in personal gods. The entry level Hinduism has over-whelming superstitions too. The philosophical side of Hinduism negates all superstitions.

Good that you agree God might exist. You told that you pray. What is your prayer then?

Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti,

Funny, she laughed, What does it mean?

May all the beings in all the worlds be happy. Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

Hmm ..very interesting. I want to learn more about this religion. It is so democratic, broad-minded and free she exclaimed.

The fact is Hinduism is a religion of the individual, for the individual and by the individual with its roots in the Vedas and the Bhagavad-Gita. It is all about an individual approaching a personal God in an individual way according to his temperament and inner evolution - it is as simple as that.

How does anybody convert to Hinduism?

Nobody can convert you to Hinduism, because it is not a religion, but a set of beliefs and practices. Everything is acceptable in Hinduism because there is no single authority or organization either to accept it or to reject it or to oppose it on behalf of Hinduism.

I told her - if you look for meaning in life, dont look for it in religions; dont go from one cult to another or from one guru to the next.

For a real seeker, I told her, the Bible itself gives guidelines when it says Kingdom of God is within you. I reminded her of Christs teaching about the love that we have for each other. That is where you can find the meaning of life.

Loving each and every creation of the God is absolute and real. Isavasyam idam sarvam Isam (the God) is present (inhabits) here everywhere - nothing exists separate from the God, because God is present everywhere. Respect every living being and non-living things as God. Thats what Hinduism teaches you.

Hinduism is referred to as Sanathana Dharma, the eternal faith. It is based on the practice of Dharma, the code of life. The most important aspect of Hinduism is being truthful to oneself. Hinduism has no monopoly on ideas.- It is open to all. Hindus believe in one God (not a personal one) expressed in different forms. For them, God is timeless and formless entity.

Ancestors of todays Hindus believe in eternal truths and cosmic laws and these truths are opened to anyone who seeks them. But there is a section of Hindus who are either superstitious or turned fanatic to make this an organized religion like others. The British coin the word Hindu and considered it as a religion.

I said: Religions have become an MLM (multi-level- marketing) industry that has been trying to expand the market share by conversion. The biggest business in todays world is Spirituality. Hinduism is no exception

I am a Hindu primarily because it professes Non-violence - Ahimsa Paramo Dharma - Non violence is the highest duty. I am a Hindu because it doesnt conditions my mind with any faith system.
A man/ woman who change s his/her birth religion to another religion is a fake and does not value his/her morals, culture and values in life. Hinduism was the first religion originated. Be proud of your religion and be proud of who you are.
Om Namo shiva……………

Send it to all Hindus who you think will find it interesting! !!!!!!!!! !
- Show quoted text -

Manoj S wrote:

You know the Latin Catholic will not enter the Syrian catholic church,
these two will not enter the Marthoma church,

these three will not enter the pentacoast church,
these four will not enter the Salvation army church,
these five will not enter the 7th day Adventist church,

these six will not enter the orthodox church,
These seven will not enter the Jacobite church,

like this there are 146 castes in Kerala alone for Christianity;
Each will never share their churches for Christians!
Wonderful One Christ, One Bible, One Jehovah  

What a unity ! !!!

Among Muslims, Shia and Sunni kill each other in all the Muslim countries.
The religious riot in Muslim countries is always between these two.

The Shia will not go to Sunni mosque,
 these two will not go to Ahamadiya mosque,
  these three will not go to Sufi mosque,
 These four will not go to Mujahiddin mosque
 like this it appears there are 13 castes in among
Muslims, Killing / bombing/conquering/ massacring/ each other!

The American attack to the Muslim land of Iraq is fully supported by all the
Muslim countries surrounding Iraq ! One Allah, One Quran, One Nebi

Great unity !

For Hindus 1280 books, 10,000 commentaries, more than one lakh sub
commentaries for these foundation books, 330 million gods, variety of aacharas, thousands of Rishies, hundreds of languages, still everyone goes to the SAME TEMPLE.   Hindus  never Quarreled each other for the last ten thousand years in the name of Religion.

My choice: Hinduism_The UNIQUE in the world.

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THE WINDS Greek mythology

According to the oldest accounts, Æolus was a king of the Æolian Islands, to whom Zeus gave the command of the winds, which he kept shut up in a deep cave, and which he freed at his pleasure, or at the command of the gods.

In later times the above belief underwent a change, and the winds came to be regarded as distinct divinities, whose aspect accorded with the respective winds with which they were identified. They were depicted as winged youths in full vigour in the act of flying through the air.

The principal winds were: Boreas (the north wind), Eurus (the east wind), Zephyrus (the west wind), and Notus (the south wind), who were said to be the children of Eos and Astræus.

There are no myths of interest connected with these divinities. Zephyrus was united to Chloris (Flora), the goddess of flowers. Of Boreas it is related that while flying over the river Ilissus, he beheld on the banks Oreithyia, the charming daughter of Erechtheus, king of Athens, whom he carried off to his native Thrace, and there made her his bride. Boreas and Oreithyia were the parents of Zetes and Calais, afterwards famous in the expedition of the Argonauts.

There was an altar erected at Athens in honour of Boreas, in commemoration of his having destroyed the Persian fleet sent to attack the Greeks.

On the Acropolis at Athens there was a celebrated octagonal temple, built by Pericles, which was dedicated to the winds, and on its sides were their various representations. The ruins of this temple are still to be seen.

Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome
Author: E.M. Berens
Published: 1880

The Project Gutenberg E-Book
Produced by Alicia Williams, Keith Edkins and the Online
Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net
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The scientific analysis of a Mantra is givenbelow, as to how it attracts power when chanted by someone.

Everything has a particularvibratory frequency. Every thought, every word and every emotion. How we feel,think and speak defines our particular vibration. And we create our world basedupon that vibration. Sound is an incredibly powerfulvibration. Mana meansmind, â€œtra† means wave or projections. Thereforemantra is the projection of the mind through soundvibrations.
The basic structure of theuniverse is the atom, and the basic structure of our bodies is the cell; eachcell is made of billions of atoms and each atom is made of a positive nucleusand negative electrons rotating around it; because of this rotation, anelectromagnetic field is generated similar to fields generated by anengine.
Every single atom isvibrating in a specific frequency, whether this atom is part of metal, water,cell, or anything else. So every thing in this universe is vibrating, this is agiven scientific fact.
A small pebble thrown in apond creates numerous ripples reaching quite far, in the same pond itself. Sameway, the words, which we pronounce, creates vibrations and waves in our mind,which awaken subtle powers in us. Thus the Effects of whatever Words we speak,falls on our self, our society, and even on the universe...
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Realizing this fact,that SOUND is the most powerful element; our ancientsages developed the science of Music or Sound (SHABDA) Therapy, called Bio-wavesor “Mantra†and a collection of Mantras called a “STOTRA†, which beingrelated to Ether (which is very subtle), becomes very powerful as the power ofSUBTLE (SUKSHAMA) is greater than the GROSS (STHOOLA). When atoms are isolated,it creates great energy & become more powerful, although it is so small thatit is impossible to see it, with our naked eyes, likewise when a person focuseson every single syllable and letter emanating from the Shabda Brahma (Mantra) orthe nada (the vibration) it is said to have profound effects on the psyche aswell as one’s physical self.

Mantra or Stotras are thosescientifically made sound combinations that affect our subtle Nerves – “SHATCHAKRAS†and “POWER CENTRES†directly in such a way, that it awakens ourpowers, which otherwise lie dormant. As a result these Nerves become activeand the person chanting is blessed with different powers(SIDDHI). In fact, (STOTRA SADHANA) isnothing else, but the Power of Sound. These Sanskrit Mantra letters contain bothEmotions and Meanings. The permutation and combinations of these letters havethe power to create wonders.
Sound being the base of the Mantra,makes it very powerful.
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"When a Mantra ispronounced repeatedly, like a dynamo the Sound waves are transformed intoelectrical energy or vibrations & if coupled with deep emotions, becomesmore powerful. These vibrations are in the shape of a Ring which rises up withgreat speed, through the medium of Ether, moving directly towards the presidingDeity of that Mantra. When it reaches its Deity, it combines with the power ofthat Deity before bouncing back along with the subtle but now manifold powers ofthat Deity back to re-enter the source of its origin which is the subtle body ofthe one chanting the Mantra. The Stronger the Faith, Will-power and Emotionattached with the Mantra, the Stronger will be the attraction of the powers ofthe Deity. It’s like a Dynamo effect, the more who keep repeating a Mantracontinuously the more you get charged up with Divinity .This phenomenon is sosubtle & so fast that the person chanting the Mantra does not even realizeit as these sound waves or vibrations moving in the air in about 340m/sec havetheir own frequency while humans can hear only from 20 frequencies per second to20000 frequencies per second & not outside of thisrange."

On thephysically level the science of Sound works with the movement of the tongue inthe mouth. The hard upper palate forms the roof of the mouth wherethere are 84 meridian points located. While pronouncing the Mantra, the movementof the tongue stimulates these meridian points which in turn stimulate thehypothalamus to secrete neurotransmission fluids. As these different chemicalliquids are secreted to different parts of the brain, messages are transmittedthroughout as well. Simultaneously, these Mantra sound vibrations are alsoreceived by the ear & are turned into electrical signals which move alongthe acoustic nerve towards the acoustic bark in the Brain, whose cells thencorrespond to these waves and move into the various parts of the brainespecially the frontal part. All these parts work together corresponding to thesignals and translating them to a language the human understands. And as, as ourbody is made up of at least 70 per cent water, our bodies become an excellentconductor of sound vibrations thus every cell in our body acts as a soundresonator. So finally, the brain analyses these signals and gives orders to thevarious parts of the body to correspond to thesesignals.
Thesigns of this charged Mantra, re-entering the subtle body of the person chantingit, are in the different types of Vibrations or Emotions that can moveone to tears, lift his spirits up, bring back beautiful memories, make himdeliriously happy, or rouse violent emotions, sensations of energy flowing fromthe head to the base or goose bumps too.
The mantra may bechanted out aloud, or repeated silently, or resonated in the mind (Japa) andshould be recited from the base of the stomach which represents the seat of aperson’s dormant power. There is a lot of hidden shakti here. It producessubtle vibrations in the fine nerves of the brain, thereby empowering thebrain’s 108 centers and quelling their inactivity.
If Mantras are pronouncedcorrectly, following the rules and regulations, given in the Scriptures it canundoubtedly cure many a diseases. So, the Success of theMantra lies in its correct pronunciation. Unless the pronunciation is correct,it does not have the desirable effects on our Nerves.
JAPA and DHYANA,are similar to NAADA (Sound) and BINDUSAADHANA (Concentration on a point), which can pierce the greateror the subtlest particle.

The “Gayatri Mantra†GAYATRI MANTRA when repeatedly chanted, createsring shaped sound waves which rises up with great speed, through Ether and goestowards the Sun, and after touching the surface of the SUN, it returns backalong with the subtle powers of the Sun, like Heat, Light, Electrical etc. Thusthe Mantra combined with all these powers of the Sun re-enters the subtle bodyof the one chanting it. Who, therefore is regarded blessed by GayatriMata.
POWER OF MANTRATansen the famouscourt-musician of Emperor Akbar, could make the clouds pour down by singing theRaga MEGH MALHAAR, and could lit the lamps by singing RAGA DEEPAK.
POWER OF SOUND VIBRATIONSTwo scientists by the name ofGRAHAM and NEIL did a experiment in a crowded street, in Australias Melbournecity. The experiment was done to show the POWERS OF SOUND. The medium of theexperiment was a Motor-Car. They wanted to move the car, according to theircommands. The car followed their command when they said START and again whenthey commanded GO, the car started moving and stopped when they said HALT.People thought it to be a magic, which in reality, it was not. It was merely anexperiment, which showed the Power of Sound. But how did ithappen?
Graham had a Transmitter inhis hands; the function of the Transmitter was to convert the command into afixed frequency of electrical power, and send it to the control unit, which wasfitted in the dashboard of the car. Another device named CAR RADIO was fittedin front of the Control-unit.
When the electro-magneticfrequencies transmitted by the Transmitter, dashed against CAR RADIO the carsengine started and even began to move, and ultimately stopped. The source of allthese happenings was the SOUND WAVES.The causes and effects of theMANTRAS and STOTRAS could not be analyzed till date, because they are basedon Ultrasonic Sounds, which, we can neither see, nor hear.But if these are pronouncedwith clarity and emotion, than it can do wonders.

"In a Disco, your Mind makes youDance,In a Satsang, youMake your Mind to Dance 

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Digital Photography When was Digital Photography invented The Invention of Photography Video Series

When was Digital Photography invented - Invention of Photography 5,29 min video created by George Eastman House.
Kodak engineer Steven Sasson invented the digital camera in 1975. Within 25 years the technology would overtake analog film materials and dominate the photographic industry and practice. This chapter features a timeline of digital camera technology starting with Steven Sasson’s first completely digital camera prototype and takes us all the way to the smart phones of today.

(This video is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, grant number MA-10-13-0194.)
George Eastman House, an independent nonprofit museum, is an educational institution that tells the story of photography and motion pictures—media that have changed and continue to change our perception of the world.
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Today, its like quoting my DEPRESSION NOTES OUT HERE. I thought Ill not do it,Ill never do it - but let me write some of it here - it might help me not to break out when I take the first step outside my room. I am not sure what I am writing exactly. My basic depression notes, I have thousands - Ill have to write somewhere now - Ill do. Its just I cant say whats it PUBLICLY. I am not even extrovert enough to "speak" things to ANYONE around. Truth is - I am not finding my SINGLE SPACE TO BREAK right now. I dont know if Im making a big issue of it, but my senses say that whatevers going on is not a good sign. So, its like I dont have one of my biggest strengths there for me - itll be dramatic if I write more - and Ill not mention any incident - I cannot. Its just, Ill not be able to blog for a few days, I guess. I want complete silence for a day or two. No social networks, no blogging. I know some blog with political propaganda does not have posts like this - but I dont know. I dont know what this world is and I dont know if I am alright enough to adjust with it all and I dont know if Ill be able to study for an undefined period and I dont know if I have the rights left to share things and I think I feel like all my strength has been taken out of me and may be I am going psychic and I want this much back -things I have cared about, people Ive cared about - far more than they actually know. Feeling like I am sitting out, cold at night with no light and a starless sky.
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Recently,I have been indulged thinking about Pink Floyd whenever I have been writing about them. As I write my 50th post about the band today,something nice struck my mind - what about a whole lot of Pink Floyd for an entire week? I am going to be there for a week more,after which my summer vacation ends.And as I will be doing only two posts as usual from the next month,both being on Maths/Science or one being on Maths/Science and the other being on Politics; I think this would prove to be a good idea.Lets get our first post done on The Knowing Floyd Week.I am providing the Top 10 Pink Floyd songs today according to the Perspectives Blog.It really is hard doing it,as the band could never write a bad song.I have heard this from a friend of mine and from other places around the Internet - and I agree to this.They never were just able to do it - write a bad song.And imagine how tough it gets when you have to choose the best from a bunch of good songs.I have even seen questions around the virtual space about how to write a song in Pink Floyds style!Having such a huge fan base even after so many years of getting dissolved needs huge credits! So,here is what I am putting up. The top 10 songs from Pink Floyd - 

1.Wish You Were Here 

2.Shine On You Crazy Diamond

3.Brain Damage


5.A Great Day For Freedom

6.Us and Them

7.Nobody Home

8.Is There Anybody Out There?

9.The Final Cut

10.The Gunners Dream

Images - The images that are not watermarked do not belong to me.
Next post - Tomorrow I am going to post the detailed reviews of all the songs put up in this post.

Happy Knowing Floyd Week! Enjoy! And Thanks for making your visit to this blog.What are your perspectives?Let me know in the comments section/mail me for any queries or doubts at titassparkles@gmail.com.

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Bells palsy What is Bells Palsy

Bells palsy is paralysis of the muscles of the face, caused by acute malfunction of, or damage to, the nerve that supplies them.
An attack frequently occurs without apparent cause.

Symptoms of Bells palsy

Facial features lose their symmetrical arrangement, and the mouth droops at one corner. Paralysis of
the muscles results in loss of control over saliva or tears, so that the patient may dribble or appear to  cry.

Bells palsy treatment

It is important that a physician is consulted immediately because swift treatment with corticosteroid drugs may help. Many patients recover spontaneously; about 70 percent recover completely within 4 to 6 weeks, and about 20 percent make a partial recovery.
Surgery to the affected nerve may restore partial nerve function.
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Orestes pursued by the furies Stories from the Greek Tragedians

The Story Of The Furies, Or The Loosing Of Orestes.

The gift of prophecy Earth had at the first, and after her Themis; and after her Phœbe, who was of the race of the Titans, and Phœbe gave it to Apollo—who is also called Phœbus—at his birth. Now Apollo had a great temple and famous upon the hill of Delphi, to which men were wont to resort from all the earth, seeking counsel and knowledge of the things that should come to pass hereafter. And it came to pass on a day that the priestess—for the temple was served by a woman, whom men called Pythia—when she went into the shrine, after her custom, in the morning, saw therein a dreadful sight. For by the very seat of the God there sat a man, a suppliant, whose hands were dripping with blood, and he bare a bloody sword, and on his head there was a garland of olive leaves, cunningly twined with snow-white wool. And behind there sat a strange company of women sleeping, if indeed they could be called women, that were more hideous than the Gorgons, on which if a man looks he is turned to stone, or the Harpies, of which they say that they have the faces of women and the bodies of vultures. Now this man was Orestes, and the blood that was upon his hands was the blood of his mother Clytæmnestra, whom he slew, taking vengeance for his father King Agamemnon, and the women were the Furies, who pursue them that shed the blood of kindred, and torment them even unto death. But the priestess when she saw this sight fell down for fear and crawled forth from the temple. And when she was gone there appeared Apollo himself. Now Apollo had counselled Orestes that he should slay his mother, and so avenge his fathers blood that had been shed. And now he spake, saying, "Fear not, I will not betray thee, but will keep to thee to the end. But now thou must flee from this place; and know that these, the hateful ones, with whom neither God nor man nor beast consorts, will pursue thee both over the sea and over the land; but do thou not grow weary or faint, but haste to the city of Pallas, and sit in the temple of the goddess, throwing thy arms about the image, and there will I contrive that which shall loose thee from this guilt."
The Birthday Gifts Of PhŒbus

And when the God had said this, he bade his brother Hermes (for he also stood near) to guide the man by the way in which he should go.

So Orestes went his way. And straightway, when he was gone, rose up the spirit of Queen Clytæmnestra, clad in garments of black, and on her neck was the wound where her son smote her. And the spirit spake to the Furies, for these were yet fast asleep, saying, "Sleep ye? What profit is there in them that sleep? Shamefully do ye dishonour me among the dead; for they whom I slew reproach me, and my cause, though I was slain by my own son, no one taketh in hand. Do ye not mind with what sufferings, with what midnight sacrifices upon the hearth in old time I honoured you, and now, while ye sleep, this wretch hath escaped from the net."

Orestes Suppliant To Apollo.

Then they began to stir and rouse themselves, the spirit still goading them with angry words till they were now fully awake and ready to pursue. Then there appeared the God Apollo with his silver bow in his hand, and cried, "Depart from this place, ye accursed ones. Depart with all speed, lest an arrow leap forth from this string and smite you so that ye vomit forth the blood of men that ye have drunk. This is no fit halting-place for you; in the habitations of cruelty is your best abode, or in some lions den, dripping with blood, not, verily, where men come to hear the oracles of truth. Depart ye, therefore, with all speed."

"Nay," said they; "hear, King Apollo, what we would say. For thou art verily guilty of this matter."

"How so? So much thou mayest say."

"Thou badest this stranger slay his mother."

"I bade him take vengeance for his fathers blood."

"And thou wast ready to answer for this deed?"

"I bade him come for succour to this shrine."

"Yet they who attend him please thee not?"

"No, for it fitteth not that they should approach this place."

"Yet tis our appointed task to follow him that slayeth his mother."

"And what if a wife slay her husband?"

"Between wife and husband there is no kindred blood."

"Thou dost dishonour, saying this, to great Heré that is wife to Zeus, and to all love, than which there is nothing dearer to men."

"Yet will I hunt this man to the death, for the blood of his mother drives me on."

"And I will help him and save him."

But in the meantime Orestes fled with all speed to the city of Athens, and came to the temple of Athené, and sat clasping the image of the goddess, and cried to her that he was come at the bidding of Apollo, and was ready to abide her judgment. But the Furies followed hard upon him, having tracked him as a dog tracks a fawn that hath been wounded, by the blood. And when they were come and had found him in the temple, they cried that it was of no avail that he sought the help of the Gods, for that the blood of his mother that had been shed cried against him from the ground, and that they would drink his blood, and waste him, and drive him a living man among the dead, that all men might shun to do such deeds in time to come.

Then said Orestes, "I have learnt in many troubles both how to be silent and how to speak. And now I speak as a wise man biddeth me. For lo! the stain of blood that is upon my hand groweth pale, and the defilement is cleansed away. Therefore, I call to Athené that is Queen of this land, to help me, wherever she be; for though she be far, yet being a goddess, she can hear my voice. And helping me, she shall gain me, and my people, and my land to be friends to her and to her people for ever."

But not the less did the Furies cry out against him that he was accursed and given over to them as a prey; for that they were appointed of the Gods to execute vengeance upon evildoers, of whom he was the chief, seeing that he had slain the mother that bare him.

But while they thus cried out against him, there appeared the Goddess Athené, very fair to see, with the spear of gold in her hand; and she spake, saying, "From the banks of Scamander am I come, for I heard the cry of one that called upon my name. And now I would fain know what meaneth all this that I see. Who art thou, stranger, that sittest clasping this image? And who are ye that are so strange of aspect, being like neither to the Gods nor to the daughters of men?"

Then the Furies made answer, "We will tell thee the matter shortly, daughter of Zeus. We are the children of Night, and we are called the Curses, and our office is to drive the murderer from his home."

Then said the goddess, "And whither do ye drive him?"

"We drive him to the land where no joy abideth."

"And why do ye pursue this man?"

"Because he dared to slay his mother."

"Did aught compel him to this deed?"

"What should compel a man to such wickedness?"

"There are two stories to be told, and I have heard but one."

And when they had thus talked together for a while the Furies said that they would abide by the judgment of the goddess. Whereupon she turned herself to Orestes, and bade him set forth his case; who he was, and what deed he had done. To which he made this answer: "I am a man of Argos, and my sire, King Agamemnon, thou knowest well; for he was ruler of the host of the Greeks, and by his hands thou madest the great city of Troy to be no city. Now this man perished in a most unrighteous fashion, when he was returned to his home, for my mother, having an evil heart, slew him foully in the bath. And I, coming back to my country, from which in time past I had fled, slew her that bare me. This I deny not. Yea, I slew her, taking vengeance for my father. And in this matter Apollo hath a common share with me, for he said that great woes should pierce my heart if I recompensed not them that had done this deed. But do thou judge this matter; for with thy judgment, whatsoever it be, I will be content."

Then the goddess said, "This is a hard matter to judge; for thou, Orestes, art come as a suppliant to this house, being innocent of guilt, and I may not reject thee. And yet these have a suit which may not lightly be dismissed; for haply, if they fail of that which they seek, they will send a wasting disease upon this land and consume it. But seeing that this great matter has fallen to me to deal with, I will do this. Judges will I choose, binding them with an oath, and they shall judge in all cases, whensoever one man hath slain another. And this will I stablish for all time to come. Do you, therefore, call witnesses and proofs with oaths for confirmation thereof. And I will choose such as are worthiest among my citizens, righteous men, who will have regard unto their oath, and they shall judge this matter."

So they went all of them to the hill of Ares, where the cause should be judged. And twelve men that were worthiest in the city sat on the seat of judgment, and Athené came forth and said to the herald that stood by, "Blow the trumpet, that the people keep silence, and that this cause may be tried justly, as is meet."

Then came forth Apollo. And when the Furies saw him they cried, "What hast thou to do with this matter, King Apollo?"

And he said, "As a witness am I come, for I commanded this man to do this deed."

Then Athené commanded that the Furies should speak the first, being the accusers. So they began saying to Orestes, "Answer what we shall ask thee. Didst thou slay thy mother?"

"I slew her. This I deny not."

"How didst thou slay her?"

"I drew my sword, and smote her on the neck."

"Who counselled thee to this deed?"

"Apollo counselled me; therefore I fear not; also my father shall help me from the tomb."

"Shall the dead help thee that didst slay thy mother?"

"Yea, for she also had slain her husband. Say, why did ye not pursue her while she lived?"

"Because she was not akin to him she slew."

"Not akin? then was I not akin to her. But do thou bear witness, King Apollo."

Then said Apollo, "I am a prophet and lie not. Never have I spoken about man or woman or city save as my Father Zeus gave me to speak."

Then said the Furies, "How sayest thou? that Zeus gave this command that this man should slay his mother?"

"Twas even so. For think how basely this woman slew her husband, his father. For she smote him not with an arrow, as might some Amazon, but when he was come back from the war, full of honour, in the bath she entangled him, wrapping a robe about him, and so slew him. Wherefore this man did righteously, taking vengeance for the blood that was shed. And as for this kinship that ye say is between a man and his mother, hearken to this. Had Pallas here a mother? Nay, for no womb bare her, seeing that she came from the head of Zeus her father."

The Furies Departing.

Then said Athené, "It is enough. Judges, judge ye this cause, doing justice therein. But first hear the statute that I make establishing this court. On this hill did the Amazons in old time build their fortress when they waged war with King Theseus and the men of this land; and hence it is called the hill of Ares, who is the god of war. And here do I make this as an ordinance for ever, that it may be a bulwark to this land; that judges may sit herein, keen to avenge the wrong, not blinding their eyes with gifts, but doing true judgment and justice between man and man. And now rise, ye judges, from your place, and take these pebbles in your hand, and vote according to right, not forgetting your oath."

So the judges rose up from their place and dropped the pebbles into the urns, Apollo on the one side and the Furies on the other urging them with many promises and threats. And at the last Athené stood up and said, "Tis for me to give the casting vote; and I give it to Orestes. For I myself was not born of a mother; wherefore I am on the fathers side. And I care not to avenge the death of a woman that slew her husband, the ruler of her house. Now, if the votes be equal, Orestes is free. Take the pebbles from the urns, ye to whom this office is given. And see that ye do it justly and well, that no wrong be done."

So they that were appointed to this took the pebbles forth from the urns and counted them. And lo! the votes were equal on this side and on that. And Athené stood forth and said, "The man is free."

Thus was accomplished the loosing of Orestes.

Stories from the Greek Tragedians
By the Rev. Alfred J. Church, M.A.
"Stories from Homer" and "Stories from Virgil"
With Twenty Illustrations from Designs
by FLAXMAN and Others
New York
Dodd, Mead and Company
October, 1879.

The Project Gutenberg E-Book
Produced by David Kline, Josephine Paolucci, Joshua Hutchinson and
the PG Online Distributed Proofreading Team.
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